As we were leaving Copenhagen, our ship captain pointed out that the Royal Yacht had just pulled out beside us.  I missed it, but Kathryn and Edward saw it and were able to snap a photo of it.  Yowza!  Nice!

It serves as the official and private residence for HM the Queen and other members of the Royal Family when they are on official visits overseas or on summer cruises in home waters.  The Danish and the Norwegian Royal yachts are the world's only two remaining royal yachts.   

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It was built in 1931 at the Naval Dockyard in Copenhagen.  It is able to sleep a total of 14 people and plus the 52 qualified crew.   The royal compartment includes the Queen's study, a dining salon, a lounge, the bedrooms and more.  You can find furniture and fittings from the previous royal vessel from 1879.  At the rear is an area which could accommodate patients if the vessel is ever used in its role as a hospital ship.   Oh, plus there is apparently a famous monster named Tang Rasmus (Seaweed Rasmus) that roams around in a narrow provisions room. 

The Danish Royal Yacht is named The Dannebrog (which means - the Danish flag).  The Danish flag holds the world record of being the oldest continuously used national flag.  The flag is "Dannebrog red" with a white cross.  It looks to me that in the photo the yacht also flies the Splitflag (the Orlogsflag) which when it has no other markings, is for the most part, only allowed to be used by the Royal Danish Navy.